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Showing posts from April, 2010

CSR Balancesheet

"Most Indian companies have a confused approach to CSR, dubbing it as philanthropy and veiling the underlying strategic motive" ITS SOMETHING companies can’t do without anymore. It isn’t surprising why Indian companies have begun relying on the one aspect that could bail them out: Being socially responsible. Defining the term (corporate social responsibility or CSR) has perhaps been the trickiest part of this solution. The key word in the phrase corporate social responsibility is corporate because the aim is to benefit the standing and success of the corporate sponsor. If a cola major is working on conservation of water, it’s because they have been found using up our water resources. If a cigarette maker is worried about the poor man’s health, he simply wants to be allowed to continue selling more cigarettes. Most Indian companies,have a confused approach to CSR, interpreting it as philanthropy and veiling the underlying motives under the blanket of social good. Combined wi

HR Manager-A New Business Guru

The role of HR has been evolving over the years. There was a radical move from Personnel Administration to HRD function . Today there is a need of paradigm shift to viewing the HR manager as a business partner or business guru. HR has been perceived till now by top line executives as “Advocates” and shop floor workers as “Management Stooges”. It is prerogative of the HR Professionals to remove these misconceptions by acting as vital link between strategic and operational function in an organization. Ultimately the trend for HR manager today seems to be changing to being a business manager rather than a simple advisor. What is the role of HR? Does it end with selection and placement or there are various crucial responsibilities either overlooked or disregarded? Reasons for Transformational role of HR ~Globalization. ~Changing Organizational Structures. HR’s creation of true competitive advantage comes from continuously improving the organization to fit changing business environment. S

What I learnt and Failed to Learn at B-School !!!

I joined the Management Institute with a very confused mind. Confusion of the degree itself and later the confusion of specialization. But things got clear as I entered the journey of MBA. So, what were the things I learnt during my MBA? 1. I learnt a few fundamentals (or at least the jargon) in areas such as Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, strategy etc. 2.I learnt that I was in a large crowd of huge peers. My best efforts saw me on top. 3.To my relief, I did learn that I do have a skill or two that were valuable in my world view and that I had it in fair measure...Thankfully, I believed in my own insight. To cut the long story short my B- School experience provided me with knowledge that was relevant to appreciate management and business. Above all, it did give me the "thappa" (stamp) of being an “MBA”. The management knowledge and skills that a B-school provides are necessary, for sure. However, it does not meet the criteria of sufficiency. There are a million or zill