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Showing posts from December, 2011


“It is often said Today’s effective followers are tomorrow’s potential leaders” There are effective followers and ineffective followers Sheep There are people who are passive and like to work from 9-6. They think they work for living and lack initiative. They expect their leader to think for them. Most probably they may say, “Sir, whatever you think good for me”. They are also “Yes Sir”, “No Sir” type. Survivors There are some people whose motto is “better to be safe than sorry”. They do not take risk, tend to be political. They do not lead change but want to survive across it all costs. They are not someone who would rock the boat. You will find plenty of such people in Govt. offices.  Followership Model Alienated Followers They are capable yet cynical people. They come across as negative people. They generate and emit lot of negative thoughts and energy. They are seen gossiping in the corridor and criticizing their organisation and management. You will hear comment su...