“From business point of view, research is the route to competitive advantage. From an academic point of view research is the route to credibility” Research is the central tool to one of the main objectives of business school: the creation of management theory. The creation of management theory is based on the foundation of research. Research is the central to the purpose and being of business school. The polarity of learning should be reversible and B-schools should strive for partnership relations with industry. Although many business schools spend millions of dollars on research, many business practitioners question the usefulness of the result finding. Much of what is researched is highly esoteric and of limited use.Business school research is superficial and lacking merit and rigor. Nigel Nicholson research dean at London Business School said--- “The class is raw material. You can’t be in an ivory tower. We have to be at the cutting edge of our disciplines. There is a virtuous circ...